Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life Before AMR

So I started scrapbooking, I got in it to be with my wife.  Part of me liked it, part of it was weird-being a guy and all.  As I found out, it wasn't as weird as I thought.  I don't care if other guys make fun of me at all, because I enjoy spending time with her...I don't think I would ever just sit down and do it by myself though.

So last month was All Moments Remembered Anniversary Crop.  I had a great time scrapbooking and hanging out with Marilyn.  Since then, I have been getting more involved, even doing some ATC (artist trading card) swaps.  It is a lot of fun.  AMR is a very friendly place, and being the first guy on the board, I was accepted and welcomed with open arms!  But before I get to that, I want to share what I have done before finding AMR. 

These are all the layouts I have done before I joined up at AMR, in order of production.  As I get more accustomed to blogger and scrapbooking, I will add more details on my projects.  These were all done over a year ago, so I couldn't even remember if I wanted to.

I have a few more blog posts ready to go, and will try to update more often, so keep checking in!

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Great layouts, LOL!!!